V-Trust Annual Meeting 2024

/ 소개 / V-Trust 2024 연회

In this march, gathered for annual meetings and celebrating V-Trust 18th anniversary.

See the highlights from these unforgettable gatherings!

Highlights Video Clip - South China Annual Meeting

Highlights Video Clip - South Vietnam Annual Meeting

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V-Trust CEO, Dr. Ted Zhang, passionately inspires with the keynote on 'Creating Value, Delivering Joy!'

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V-Trust Operation Director, Peter Pan, gave a speech about Inspection Area Management.

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V-Trust Eastern China Branch Annual Meeting

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V-Trust Northern China Branch Annual Meeting

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Elegant hosts grace the stage, marking the start of our celebratory gathering.

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A traditional Chinese dance gracefully unfolded on stage.

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Shield Knight, our beloved V-Trust mascot, joined our engineers in the latest dance craze.

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In just 30 minutes, 120 staff, we did it! V-Trust logo!

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Now, let’s make a shining star together!