Our Team
460+ Full-Time Inspectors Based in Asia
Compared with other inspection companies, V-Trust is the biggest inspection company using only full-time inspectors in Asia.
All V-Trust inspectors are well trained, reliable and experienced in the related product categories they inspect. Obtaining a college education majoring in a relevant subject and at least 2-year working experience in related fields are the two basic requirements when we select the qualified inspectors. Before working independently, all inspectors will have at least 2 weeks of in-house training and 3 months of on-site training.
We have comprehensive training programs for our inspectors such as classroom lectures, practice workshops and on-site assessments. V-Trust insists on very strict control policies to manage our inspectors including: Code of Ethics, Employee Ethics Agreement, Code of Conduct Letter, 100% Satisfaction Questionnaire, Re-inspection Policy and others.
140+ Engineers & Customer Service Staff in the Head Office
V-Trust has an international customer service team to ensure all customers’ requirements can be understood correctly and completely, and then put into practice by our engineers and inspectors.
Most V-Trust engineers used to work with big brand companies and manufacturers, which makes them very experienced in their respective fields. With this strong technical background, we can assist customers to solve all technical problems properly and effectively.
See more photos of our team.