Checking Criteria What Exactly Do We Check During Inspection?

Product Inspection Checking Criteria

V-Trust general on-site checking includes the following criteria:

  • Quantity status
  • Product appearance
  • Performance & function tests
  • Workmanship
  • Assembly
  • Accessories
  • Material
  • Colours
  • Logo
  • Size & measurements
  • Weight
  • Assortment
  • Carton status
  • Barcode scan test
  • Packing & marking
  • Shipping marks
  • Factory View
  • Container inspection

Besides the above, we can carry out a tailor-made inspection according to your criteria.

A comprehensive report with photographic evidence is provided within 24hrs after inspection, detailing the V-Trust inspector’s findings and outcome.

We can also send you a same day inspection report (within 6hrs after inspection) upon your request.

Would like to see an example of our inspection report? Request a sample report via below form, or email us at