EU ECHA Added Two New Substances to the REACH SVHC Candidate List; Now Contains 211 Substances.
On 19th of January, 2021, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced that two substances have been added to its REACH SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) list and the total number of SVHCs is now 211 substances.
The 2 Substances added to the existing list of REACH SVHC are:
- Bis(2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethyl)ether
- Dioctyltin dilaurate, stannane, dioctyl-, bis(coco acyloxy) derivs., and any other stannane, dioctyl-, bis(fatty acyloxy) derivs. wherein C12 is the predominant carbon number of the fatty acyloxy moiety
Table A gives the substance names, identification numbers (CAS and EC), the reason(s) for proposing and their potential application(s).
If you need any help with REACH SVHC 211 or any other testing & certification, feel free to reach us at
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